Dealerships generally earn from their service and repairs offerings as well as vehicle sales. They also earn a small commission from the F&I products they are offering from a third-party provider. This is where an income potential is wasted. With a reinsurance company under your dealership, the premiums paid by your customers go to you instead of to the third-party provider.

Briefly, here’s how reinsurance works. An F&I provider offers you a program that basically allows you to establish your own reinsurance company. This gives you more control over the F&I products that you offer, including how each one is executed or applied, and how claims are approved and processed.

This also increases your profits as the premiums paid by your customers will now go directly to your reinsurance company instead of to the third-party F&I provider. You can then use a portion of the premiums you receive to expand your dealership, either through offering more powersports vehicles or opening a new branch. You can also invest the money in equities. The point is you have cash now at your disposal that you can use any way you want to increase your income.

Maximizing the profit potential of your reinsurance business

Apart from investing in equities or expanding the business, there are other ways to increase your profits through reinsurance, foremost of which is through the F&I products that you offer. Now that you’ve seen how much money is put into the reinsurance business through premiums, you can finally see how much of those premiums you were missing out on when you were simply a reseller of these F&I products.

On that note, you would want to offer more of these F&I products to your customers, including walk-in customers looking to get additional coverage for their powersports vehicle not necessarily bought from your dealership.

It’s important to remember, however, that profits from your reinsurance business aren’t as immediate as profits from the sales of vehicles, and repairs and services payments. For one, you will have to wait for the F&I contracts to mature first before you can actually see how much you earned from the premiums. And secondly, equity investments are not your usual instant moneymaking tool. As for your business expansion, you will also have to wait a little while to realize your ROI.

But, if you can wait, then you will see that a reinsurance business can actually help you stay profitable even when sales are down.

Increase your profits by establishing your own reinsurance company. Ask us about it today! You may reach Torque-Group at (800) 859-0590. Eager to get started? Sign Up today.