With information easily accessible and readily available on the internet, information you need about practically anything is right at your fingertips. This is one reason why today’s consumers have become more discriminating; more picky, if you will, shares premier F&I Training Solutions provider Torque Group, particularly with regard to big purchases like a Powersports vehicle.

F&I Products Make Ownership an Enjoyable Experience

F&I products like GAP, Total Loss Protection, Extended Service Contracts, and Lifetime Battery Program, among others, make ownership of a Powersports vehicle, whether an ATV, UTV, or motorcycle, a breeze. These after-sales add-ons were specifically designed to protect owners against financial loss should their vehicle get stolen or damaged beyond repair, or should one of its parts need repairs or replacement sometime in the future. These products ensure costs repairs or parts replacements will be covered according to the terms of contract.

F&I Training Solutions: Improving Your Team’s Sales Skills

F&I training courses enable your dealership’s F&I team, from the Manager to the Agents, to meet the demands of today’s evolved consumers. Sales practices of old no longer work. You need to update and upgrade your team’s sales skills if you want the F&I side of your business to bring in more sales and improve your cash flow.

Understand that an F&I department isn’t only focused on offering after-sales products like the ones mentioned above. It primarily looks for the right financing option for customers, specifically tailored for the needs of each potential buyer. With the right financing tool, you convert potential buyers into actual buyers. This earns your dealership one more potential loyal customer, and not to mention, additional sales.

You should also understand that today’s consumers wouldn’t think twice about leaving a brand they’ve trusted for years if they find something new or something better, or if they feel their business is no longer being valued by the company. This is why sales experts in the auto industry recommend regular trainings for a dealership’s F&I team and their sales agents.

From learning about new sales trends to today’s best practices in the automobile industry, specifically Powersports dealerships, F&I Training Solutions provide courses that will tackle key components of a successful F&I department, with the goal of enhancing your own F&I sales and performance.

Talk to Torque Group today

Do you wish to learn more about Torque Group’s F&I Training Solutions? Please feel free to contact them at (800) 859-0590 for questions, inquiries about courses or to learn about training schedules and registration.