Gap Claims
Please continue to make the regular scheduled payment to your loan even after the date of loss. Failure to do so will result in credit remifications that are the reponsibility of the borrower. Please refer to your agreement for certain rules and limits that may effect the final GAP claim.
Click the link below to download and print the GAP Claim reporting based on the date of purchase. The GAP Claim reporting form must be received within 60 days from date of loss.
Plese submit the additional documents listed below:
- Copy of GAP Waiver contract
- Copy of vehicle invoice, buyers order or bill of sale
- Copy of finance agreement
- Copy of entire payment history to be obtained from the lender (may take up to 4 weeks) or copy of each billing statement for the life of the loan
- Copy of police report regarding accident or theft
- If insured, copy of insurance company vehicle valuation and settlement statement.
- Cancel all other “cancellable” products included in the finance agreement
To check the status of an existing claim, please call 800-859-0590 ext. 3 and provide your claim or contract number.