To the inexperienced yet highly enthusiastic ATV rider, off-roading on an ATV seems easy enough. After all, the machine has four wheels, a large and sturdy frame, and front and rear wheel brakes. What could go wrong? Torque Group, premier provider of powersports extended service contracts in the United States, notes that beginner riders develop a false sense of security where their ATV is concerned because of the machine’s size and built. And it is precisely this false sense of security that causes what could have been preventable off-roading accidents.
Tips and reminders for beginner riders
If you’ve developed an interest in off-roading, here are a few tips and reminders to help keep you safe and at the same time, enhance your off-roading experience:
1. Master body positioning
According to off-roading experts, one of the first things that beginners must learn to master is how to position their body on the ATV. If you’ve ever watched ATV off-roading shows, you will see that riders have their elbows up and their arms outstretched as they take a half-standing position. This positioning helps them control the vehicle and maintain their balance as they navigate the dirt road and approach high rises or bumps.
2. Familiarize yourself with the vehicle
Before you hit the trails, make sure that you know your ATV inside-out. Practice on 2-wheel and 4-wheel drive on a dirt road with a clear path (no obstacles, road hazards, and such). Learn how to brake and turn, and how to manage your vehicle under different weather conditions. In other words, learn how your ATV operates. You have to have a clear understanding of how your vehicle operates for your own safety as well as those of others out on the tracks with you.
3. Patience is key
Off-roading experts will tell you that mastering your ATV and learning everything there is to know about off-roading (at least on a beginner’s level) takes time. You may need to spend at least one month or thirty days learning about ATV off-roading. This is why powersports extended service contracts provider Torque Group advises first-time off-roaders to be patient and stay the course. Practice over and over again until you become confident in your skills. And then hit the beginner trails for your first official off-roading experience.
Contact Torque Group today for the best powersports extended service contracts in the industry
If you’d like to learn more about Torque Group’s powersports extended service contracts and other powersports programs, please feel free to call us at (800) 859-0590. You may also send a message at